It's my immense pleasure and honor to announce that Our Sports Teams has gifted
7 Gold (🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇) Medals
7 Silver (🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈) Medals
9 Bronze (🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉) Medals at National Level
total 100 Medals
Congratulations all of you in abundance 🎆
Kabaddi Team (girls) got gold Medal
J.P.D.A.V. GANAUR kabaddi team (girls) got
gold medal at
Zonal level in
D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at D.A.V.Centenary Public School
Narela on
28th October 2022.
Heartiest congratulations to all.
D.A.V.GANAUR kabaddi team (boys ) got gold medal at
Zonal level in D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at
D.A.V.Centenary Public School Narela from
28th October to 29th October 2022.
Heartiest congratulations to all.
Bhavishya in Karate got gold medal at Zonal level
Bhavishya in Karate got gold medal at Zonal level in D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at D.A.V. Jasola Vihar on 30th October 2022.
Heartiest congratulations to all.

Karate team (girls) got 2 Bronze medal at Zonal level
D.A.V.GANAUR Karate team (girls) Nishu got 2 Bronze medal at Zonal level in D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at D.A.V. Jasola Vihar on 30th October 2022.
Heartiest congratulations to all.
In Boxing got Bronze medal at Zonal level
Janvi in Boxing got Bronze medal
Zonal level in
D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at
Mausam Vihar on 2nd November 2022.
Heartiest congratulations to all.
Boxing team (boys ) got 2nd position at Zonal level
D.A.V.GANAUR Boxing team (boys ) got 2nd position at Zonal level in D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at
D.A.V. Mausam Vihar on 2nd November 2022 .
The individual Result is :-
Vishal - Gold
Johni -Silver
Lucky -Bronze
Deepanshu -Bronze
Tushar -Bronze
Abhiraj -Bronze
Heartiest congratulations to all.
Taekwondo team (girls) participated at Zonal level in D.A.V.National Sports 2022
D.A.V.GANAUR Taekwondo team (girls) participated at Zonal level in D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at D.A.V. Mausam Vihar on 1st November 2022 .
The Result is :-
Vanshika -Gold medal
Komal- Silver medal
Angel- Silver medal
Khushi-Bronze medal
Aastha -Bronze medal
Heartiest congratulations to all.
Vishesh in Taekwondo got silver medal at Zonal level
Vishesh in Taekwondo got silver medal at Zonal level in
D.A.V.National Sports 2022 held at
D.A.V. Mausam Vihar on 2nd November 2022.
Heartiest congratulations to all.
Komal secured a BRONZE MEDAL in DAV National in Taekwondo. The tournament was held at DAV University, Jalandhar.
The school Congratulates the rare Gem and wishes her a prosperous and bright year ahead.

Deepanshu got Bronze medal in CBSE Zonal in Boxing held at Paratap School, Kharkhoda
Our School Kabaddi team (6 player ) representing
Delhi NCR Team won
Bronze Medal in D.A.V. National 2022-23
held at Ranchi from 23-12-2022 to 25-12-2022.
Congratulations to all Davians.
Our school Wushu players Priyanshu and Lucky got
Silver medal in D.A.V.National 2022-23
held at Ranchi from 23-12-2022 to
25-12 2022
Congratulations to all  |
Our school Boxing player Vishal got silver medal and Johnny got
Bronze medal in D.A.V.National 2022-23
held at Ranchi from 23-12-2022 to 25-12-2022
Congratulations to all Davians
दिनांक 15 अगस्त 2023 को स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह के उपलक्ष्य में आयोजित तहसील सत्रिय कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि विधायक नयनपाल एवं माननीय एसडीएम गन्नौर डॉ निर्मल नागर के द्वारा जयंती प्रसाद डी.ए.वी. पब्लिक स्कूल के छात्र विशाल को पूरे गन्नौर में एकमात्र सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुक्केबाजी खेल में बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन के लिए प्रशंसा पत्र देकर सम्मानित किया गया । मुक्केबाजी एक मार्शल कला है जिसमें विशाल ने डी.ए.वी. नेशनल में द्वितीय स्थान प्राप्त करके न केवल स्कूल का बल्कि पूरे गन्नौर का नाम रोशन किया।

'Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.'
It doesn't matter how small you are taking the steps but matters you are taking these continuously. Success is not a day's achievement. It is a long term investment of hard work and resolution. We JP DAVians believe in the idea that there is no short cut to success. We have to ascend the stairs of success one by one and we are achieving it in different fields.
Here is evidence of it. The students of JP DAV Public School Garhi Jhanjhara Road, Ganaur participated in the Sub Junior District Boxing Championship and secured many positions which are mentioned below.
3rd Sub Junior Distt. Boxing
Venue: Holy Cross School,Bhagru (Sonepat)
Date: 12-13/08/2023
Name. Class. Position
1. Akshara 8th 1st
2. Neha 10th 2nd
3. Monika 9th 1st
2nd Sub Junior Distt.Boxing
Venue:- Ganaur Stadium, Ganaur (Sonepat)
Date :- 02-03/08/2023
Name. Class. Position
1. Ritik 9th 1st
2. Lucky 10th 2nd
3. Ritesh 9th 2nd
4. Harsh. 8th 2nd
We, JP DAVian, believe that
Never say 'Never' because limits, like fears, are often just illusions.
And continuously proving it in various disciplines of life by our achievements. This time also our students proved that 'Hard work is the architect of destiny'.
We feel elated to announce that A district level 'Taekwondo Championship' was held at Bal Bhawan Public school Ganaur on 10.09.2023 and our students scintillated there. They brought laurels to the school and their family by acquiring first and second positions. They all are selected for the 'State Level Championship'. Team DAV congratulates the students and their families and wishes best of luck to them.
Here is a glance of their achievements:
Name Class Medal
Deepali. VIII. Gold
Anshika. VII. Gold
Gurvita. IV. Silver
Congratulations to all the JPDAVians.
Our school players participated in different games and sports organised at different level and selected for National Level.

"The key is not the will to win. Everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important."
Continuity of efforts sharpens our skills and we may achieve more than we expect.
The students of JP DAV Public School participated in CBSE North Zone Boxing Competition held on 20 to 23 October, 2023 and earned Bronze medals because champions keep playing until they get it right.
The winner students are:
Name. Class. Category
Mahesh. Xl. 65Kg (Under 19)
Johny Xll 85Kg (Under 19)
Mahesh Xl has been selected for the 'CBSE National Level Competition'.
Team DAV congratulates the students and their families and wishes good luck for them.
“Victory comes from finding opportunities in difficulties."
The students of JP DAV Public School have embodied this spirit in different games. Komal and Harsh have strengthened this by their performances in their respective championships. Komal earned Bronze medal in 3rd Junior National Taekwondo Championship held at Cuttack, Odisha (June 28th-30th, 2024) and Harsh won Bronze medal in the Junior Wushu Championship, Haryana State held at Bhiwani (June 29th & 30th, 2024). This is the result of their exceptional skills and perseverance that they secured a well-deserved bronze medal, making our school proud!
JP DAV family wishes you both a bright future!